Before your Assessment


Follow the guidance below to ensure your child's  assessment runs as smoothly as possible.



When exploring someone‘s learning skills, particularly when deciding whether or not to give a diagnosis of dyslexia, it is important for us to rule out any other possible factors that may have impacted on your child‘s performance. Therefore, if you have booked an assessment, please make sure you follow the guidance below:


Get in touch

Contact number  
  1. Ensure you have completed and returned the Visual Difficulties Checklist and relevant questionnaires
  2. Have an up to date eye test (within the last six months)
  3. Have an up to date hearing test if this is an area of concern (within the last year)
  4. Remember to bring any glasses/coloured overlays to the assessment
  5. Ensure you are well rested prior to the assessment as tiredness can impact on your performance
  6. Notify me of any medical conditions or arrangements that I may need to be aware of
  7. Allow plenty of time for the assessment (full diagnostics can take over 3 hours) 
  8. Bring a drink and something to eat with you.