

Alison Carter Dyslexia Support offers a full range of assessments to suit the needs of both schools and individuals. 



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Full Diagnostic Assessment

This is the only assessment available that will provide a diagnosis of dyslexia. It is a comprehensive assessment that explores the individual‘s general underlying ability, as well as their literacy skills, and the cognitive areas that are associated with dyslexia.


Exam Access Arrangements Assessment

This assessment can provide schools and colleges with the information necessary for them to apply for access arrangements for formal examinations, such as GCSEs, A-levels and other formal qualifications.

£45 per student

Screener Assessment

This assessment explores the different areas associated with dyslexia and provides an indication as to whether it may be beneficial to continue with a further assessment. This can also be useful when there are concerns about a younger child who is not yet ready for a full diagnostic assessment.


Planning Assessment

This assessment is conducted when your child starts tuition and it will explore their literacy skills and set relevant targets for them to work towards.

Assessment Summary